#Task : new endpoints /createOrder & /trackOrder #First one: createOrder *The URL : {{baseUrl}}/api/createOrder (example: *Method : POST *The Body : for a normal parcel: { "client_token": "0201e9-bd1a8d-9ff011-97cec2-0cffb5", "parcel_code":"TN102364961QE", "parcel_receiver":"name", "parcel_phone": "07854636", "parcel_sec_phone": "07854636", "parcel_city":"Tunis", "parcel_district": "carthage", "parcel_price":200, "parcel_adress": "adress", "parcel_note":" a comment", "parcel_prd_name":"product name", "parcel_prd_qty":"4", "parcel_replace": "0" , "parcel_open": 0, "parcel_payment": 2, "parcel_fragile": 1, "parcel_stock": 0, "parcel_products": [] } for a stock parcel: { "client_token": "0201e9-bd1a8d-9ff011-97cec2-0cffb5", "parcel_code":"TN102364961QE", "parcel_receiver":"name", "parcel_phone": "07854636", "parcel_sec_phone": "07854636", "parcel_city":"Tunis", "parcel_district": "carthage", "parcel_price":200, "parcel_adress": "adress", "parcel_note":" a comment", "parcel_prd_name":"product name", "parcel_prd_qty":"4", "parcel_replace": "0" , "parcel_open": 0, "parcel_payment": 2, "parcel_fragile": 1, "parcel_stock": 1, "parcel_products": [ { "prd_ref": "sauce11", "prd_name": "soya Sauce", "prd_qty": "2" }, { "prd_ref": "dumpling74", "prd_name": "Dumplings", "prd_qty": "1" }, { "prd_ref": "juice23", "prd_name": "orange Juice", "prd_qty": "10" }, { "prd_ref": "Ramen56", "prd_name": "Ramen", "prd_qty": "5" } ] } Note that : 1-the "client_token" is the API key that a customer generates in there profile 2-the "parcel_products" contains the products that you want to add to the parcel, if a product already exists its stock will be changed ;if it's a new one it will be added to the customers inventory. *The response: Example : In case the parcel was added successfully { "message": "The Order was inserted successfuly [Order ID: 64967]", "success": true, "status": 201 } #Second one: trackOrder *The URL : {{baseUrl}}/api/trackOrder (example: *Method type: POST *The Body : { "client_token": "0201e9-bd1a8d-9ff011-97cec2-0cffb5", "parcel_code":"NA102364913GK" } *The response: Exaple: the body params are correct { "message": [ { "status_code": "NEW_PARCEL", "status_color": "#25a0d7", "status": "Nouveau Colis", "status_date": "", "status_comment": null, "time": "2023-10-02 15:36" }, { "status_code": "WAITING_PICKUP", "status_color": "#ff9300", "status": "Attente De Ramassage", "status_date": "", "status_comment": null, "time": "2023-10-02 15:45" }, { "status_code": "PICKED_UP", "status_color": "#ff9300", "status": "Ramassé", "status_date": "", "status_comment": null, "time": "2023-10-02 15:45" }, { "status_code": "RECEIVED", "status_color": "#237623", "status": "Reçu", "status_date": "", "status_comment": null, "time": "2023-10-02 15:45" }, { "status_code": "DISTRIBUTION", "status_color": "#0400f0", "status": "en cour", "status_date": "", "status_comment": null, "time": "2023-10-06 09:38" }, { "status_code": "BV", "status_color": "#4bcffb", "status": "Boite Vocal", "status_date": "", "status_comment": "", "time": "2023-10-06 09:39" }, { "status_code": "POSTPONED", "status_color": "#ff8040", "status": "Reporté", "status_date": "2023-10-06", "status_comment": "", "time": "2023-10-06 11:40" }, { "status_code": "CANCELED", "status_color": "#f41515", "status": "Annulé", "status_date": "", "status_comment": "There was a problem", "time": "2023-10-06 11:41" } ], "success": true, "status": 200 }